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Dunkeld cathedral, Stanley Mill, Elcho Castle
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A Fowlis Wester le guide m'indique qu'il y a deux pierres pictes à voir, une dans l'église et l'autre à l'extérieur à proximité.
J'arrive à 7h du matin en me disant que je ne verrais probablement que celle à l'extérieur, et là surprise, celle à l'extérieur n'est maintenant plus qu'une copie de l'originale qui a été mise à l'abri dans l'église.
Persuadée que l'église est fermée, je prends quelques photos de la copie.
N'écoutant pas mon instinct je me rends quand même à l'église. Agréable surprise, la porte est ouverte. J'ai donc pu apprécier les deux pierres d'origine et avec les explications de texte présentes dans l'église.
The conversion to Christianity of the Picts of estearn and northern Scotland took place the sixth and seven centuries. In the following centuries the most impressive evidence of their faith and artistic abilities is shown in the large numbers of cross-slabs which they carved. One of the most impressive of these is the great crossèskab at Fowlis Wester, probablu made in the later eighth or ninth century. Although it may not have originated in Fowlis Wester, it has certainly been here for about a century, and has been in State care since 1939. Two faces of the great cross-slab : the main face of the slab has an interlace-decorated cross as its chief feature. The way in which the arms of the cross project beyond the sides of the slad probably shows the growing influence of the Scots (who originated in Irealdn and westerne Scotland) in the course of the later eighth and nine centuries. The reverse of the slab has a number of the enigmatic pictish symbols, together with illustrations of life which include a hunting scene. The smaller cross-slab : the area around Fowlis Wester must have been an important centre of Christianity from an early date, beacuase another complete cross-slab and two smaller fragments, were fournd when the church was being restored in 1927. The complete slab is particularly finely preserved, having been built into the church walls from perhaps as early as the thirteenth century. Flanking the top of the cross is a pair of seated saints, and on the left side of the base is a pair of standing figures.
Avantage de celle-ci, pouvoir la photographier dans toute sa hauteur, même si la grille est peu photogénique. Sans doute pour les différencier, elle n'est pas faite de la même pierre que l'originale.
Un peu de nature pour changer. Les chutes d'eau de Dochart. Sympathique.
The up-front star of the show is obvious. You can hear it, see it, feel it when the wind blows spray onto the riverbanks. nlike some other famous cataracts, the Falls of Dochart isn't steep, isn't narrow. It's a frothing, churning, broad and many-channelled medley of cascades which combin in perhaps of all Highland falls. The River Dochart is short, but powerful. The river's name could mean "Scourer of Evil" suggesting a pure and cleansing force.
La rivière un peu avant les chutes
On continue dans la nature, mais petite randonnée ce coup-ci, 3.5 miles. Chemin qui longe un ruisseau où l'on va rencontre de deux chutes d'eau. Dénivelé correct, randonnée du dimanche familiale.
Follow in the footsteps of Scotland's national poet Robert Burns who was inspired by the natural beauty of the gorge and influenced the name and popularity of this site Originally known as the Den of Moness, the area was renamed after a song he's written.
Les ruines d'une ancienne cathédrale, construite en grès avec une dominante grise.
La cathédrale a été commencée en 1260 et achevée en 1501.
Une partie du site était en travaux, un peu difficile à visiter donc.
Entre une cathédrale et un château, petite visite dans une ancienne industrie. Une partie des bâtiments d'origine a été réhabilitée en habitation, le reste est devenu le musée. Pas grand chose d'origine à voir, mais ils ont mis en place des machines reconstituant le fonctionnement de l'ensemble. Reste qu'on a du mal à s'imaginer comment ça devait être à l'époque.
Much of Stanley's economy was based on a mill powered by the river Tay. The mill mostly produced cotton but also cigarette ribbon. The Dempster & Co company was established in 1787 to build the mill on land feued from the Duke of Atholl to provide employment to Highlanders affected by the clearances.
The mill extracted gas from coal to run lighting, this was replaced in 1921 when a hydroelectric power plant was built which supplied electricity to the village as well as the mill. The power station was closed in 1965 but was reopened in 2003 by npower (UK).
During the 1960s and 70s the Mills was in decline and finally closed down in 1989. After that mill fell into dereliction. However, The buildings were renovated and turned into private flats and a museum depicting life in the 19th century and the story of the mill.
Plan d'ensemble
Et un château pour finir la journée.
C'est un château qui semble un peu perdu en pleine nature, même pas sur une butte. Apparement c'est juste un château de famille pour la villégiature.
Elcho Castle consists of a Z-plan tower house, with fragments of a surrounding wall with corner towers. The Castle was built on the site of an older structure about 1560, and is one of the best surviving examples of its date in Scotland. A large portion of the Castle is accessible, although floors in some rooms have fallen, and much of the building can be walked through. The wall-walk is accessible at two points.
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